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About Us

Roehampton Students’ Union is the representative body for students at the University of Roehampton. It is led by students, and we are honoured to be part of a diverse, vibrant, and supportive community.

The students RSU serves to represent, support, and develop are diverse and come from all walks of life. We recruit people based on the merits of their application and strive to represent a variety of backgrounds in our teams.

Doing so strengthens our ability to deliver on our strategic aims and support our elected officers to be impactful. We are accommodating and flexible in how we work with people and we invite informal discussion about how the role and the nature of the work you’ll do if appointed can be as accessible as possible during this process.

Our Values
To be student facing and support students, wherever they are.
To recognise people and their perspectives, and to pursue equal opportunities for everybody.
To be in the moment and savour it together.
To provide students with the means to shape and own their experience.
To care about what we do and show it through action.
To anchor a true reflection of Roehampton students in our decisions and actions.
Our Mission

We represent, support, and develop students from all backgrounds at Roehampton and enable them to have the best possible university experience.